These three terms mean the same thing. You might be familiar with one of them.
‘Rolfing’ or Deep Tissue bodywork is structural bodywork for postural alignment.
(The term Rolfing comes from the name of the inventor Dr. Ida Rolf)
There is a world of difference between a deep tissue massage and deep tissue bodywork. Not so much in the title but more in how these two terms are perceived and understood.
Mostly when a client asks for a ‘deep tissue massage’ they mean a massage with fairly deep pressure. The person wants to be worked on properly, wants to avoid ‘just being stroked’ by the masseur, and really wants to feel that something is happening.
Deep tissue bodywork, however, attempts to go deeper than that. It aims to not merely relax the muscles, it aims to change the client’s posture by releasing the connective tissue from its habitual or stuck position, to loosen all the layers of tissue between the skin and the muscles so that the bones can be in a more comfortable position.
Most of us have habitual holding patterns that have persisted for years. It’s not just tight muscles that keep them there, it’s also the flesh, gristle and fascia (= connective tissue) which got used to holding your body and your skeleton in a particular place.
To correct a hunched upper back, rounded shoulders and a forward strutting neck takes more than a deep massage. All the fascia that surrounds the muscles and holds all the body’s bits in place needs to be softened and given permission to settle into a better position.
So how does this work?
The practitioner performs slow deep strokes and let’s you move against his pressure. That way the muscle fibres experience maximum relaxation and the connective tissue has a chance to stretch, relax and move to a new, healthier position.
Traditionally this is done without oil. But through many years of practice Zaka has integrated the deep bodywork with an oily massage and combines these techniques seamlessly.
He tailors every treatment to the needs of the client.